How does it work?


Clutter doesn’t turn up overnight, so for lots of people, making the decision to hire a professional to help them on their decluttering journey can take them a while.


You have nothing to worry about, I’m here to help you. 


It starts with a free 20-minute consultation either in person, via telephone or by video to enable me to ascertain your requirements and goals. I may ask you to walk me around your home or take some photos so I can identify the areas that cause you and your family the most stress and anxiety. We will cover session length, number of sessions, price, Terms and Conditions, and there will be a chance to ask any questions. 

After the consultation I will draw up an agreement outlining the areas discussed, along with an estimated timeline.

We will work together at your pace, breaking down areas into manageable projects. We will sort through your belongings, deciding what needs to stay and what needs to go. I will help you tackle the numerous decisions you have to make, by providing a sounding board offering advice, strategies, and encouragement. Working with me will motivate and empower you and will help you view your belongings in a different way.

Once we have cleared out the clutter, it's time to organise what's left. I offer storage solutions, but most people find that they just need to utilise their storage in a different way, rather than purchasing more.

At the end of a session, I will take a complimentary carload of donated items to the charity shop, this will enable you to enjoy your new clutter free space.